Monday, February 22, 2010

Anything is Possible

Do you believe that anything is possible? I was sitting down last night giving my daughter ideas on how to make a speech to become mayor of the make believe city that her class was making. One of her slogans was anything is possible. As Parents we encourage our children that this is accurate and why should we not encourage our children. If you are like me and have three children; you would have discovered that each child has their own personal gifting and talents. One of our roles as parents is to encourage our children to make the best of these gifting and talents. Often as adults we need to encourage each other to begin to believe again that anything is possible.

God believes that anything is possible; all you have to do is look up different people in the bible like Gideon, Ruth, Rehab and Moses to see that they all did the impossible. The other interesting thing we need to look at when we look at these people is that God saw them differently to how they saw themselves. God does the same thing we do as parents with our kids, God tries to encourage us to develop our gifting and talents after all God gave them to us and God expects and wants us to develop them to become great people of this world in any role God has placed you in. Don’t let your circumstance and lifestyle stop you from becoming who God made you to be. Stop listening to other people and start to listen to God again – who knows you might suddenly find some one telling you that you are God’s Great Warrior.

1 comment:

  1. What a great post! I feel so encouraged tonight!
    Yes, let's be all that God wants us to be!
